
Tinypng alternative free
Tinypng alternative free

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If you have ever used a website performance tool such as GTMetrix, Google PageSpeed Insights, or Pingdom Website Speed Test, you’ll know first-hand how much images can hurt your performance score. The total weight of images on web pages continues to grow each year, nullifying any benefit of internet speeds getting faster over time. The HTTP Archive State of Images report shows that the median number of image requests on a web page is 25, contributing to a median weight of 988.5 KB on desktop browsers and 881.9 KB on mobiles. Whilst many factors can contribute to a page loading slowly, images tend to have the greatest effect on page speed, representing around half the total size of the average web page. Fast-loading pages will give users a better experience when browsing your website and improve your website’s search engine ranking.

Tinypng alternative free